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Aug 14, 2024

Meet Yi-Chen Chiang

Bold Journey Magazine

My recent work involves composing the score for actress Joanna Bacalso’s directorial debut film, “The Frog Who Can’t Ribbit.” Joanna Bacalso is a veteran Hollywood actress known for her roles in “Snow Dogs,” “Dude, Where’s My Car?,” “Bedazzled,” and “SEAL Team.” Graham Greene — 1990 Oscar nominee for Best Supporting Actor as Kicking Bird in “Dances with Wolves,” among many other notable accolades and roles — also appears in this film. Being able to preview his outstanding performance is one of the most exciting things for a composer.

Meet Yi-Chen Chiang

Jun 18, 2024

LA based Taiwanese composer Yi-Chen Chiang collaborates with emerging Taiwanese director Wei-Yang Chen for the short film "The Meal Plan" in North America

旅美作曲家江宜臻曾在 2022 年獲得喬恩·維克斯電影配樂獎(Jon Vickers FIlm Scoring Award),創下第一位獲此殊榮的台灣人,同時也是第一位獲得此獎的女性,她的最新動向近來也因為北美影響力最大的 KAZN AM1300 中文廣播電台邀請她為微電影《晚餐計畫》(The Meal Plan)創作配樂,再度於北美文化界與當地掀起討論與關注。

LA based Taiwanese composer Yi-Chen Chiang collaborates with emerging Taiwanese director Wei-Yang Chen for the short film "The Meal Plan" in North America

Apr 22, 2024

Life & Work with Yi-Chen Chiang

Voyage LA Magazine

The Oticons Faculty International Film Scoring Competition is recognized as one of the world’s top three major film scoring competitions. In March of this year, 166 composers from 37 countries took part in this highly competitive event. I was fortunate enough to be selected as one of the Top 20 finalists.

Life & Work with Yi-Chen Chiang

Sep 11, 2023

Meet Yi-Chen Chiang | Film Composer and Music Editor

Shoutout LA

We had the good fortune of connecting with Yi-Chen Chiang and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Meet Yi-Chen Chiang | Film Composer and Music Editor

May 23, 2023

Music Composer Yi-Chen Chiang Channels Classic “Singin’ in the Rain” for Award-Winning Short “Dancing Man”

Vocal Media Beat

Dancing Man recognized for Best Score/Composition at Montage Film Festival 2023

Music Composer Yi-Chen Chiang Channels Classic “Singin’ in the Rain” for Award-Winning Short “Dancing Man”

May 22, 2023

Music Editor & Award-Winning Composer Yi-Chen Chiang is a Superhero Behind-the-Scenes

BBN Times

We spoke to affable Yi-Chen Chiang more about how her job at Craigman Digital works, how music editing is a complex but creative process, and how she and the Craigman editing team, like behind-the-scenes superheroes, often help save the day for clients worldwide.

Music Editor & Award-Winning Composer Yi-Chen Chiang is a Superhero Behind-the-Scenes

May 22, 2023

Composer Yi-Chen Chiang’s Timeless Score for Cœur Fidèle


Music is a time machine for so many of us. It can place us in the exact emotional state when a certain song became a touchstone of a time and place in our lives that impacted us profoundly. Composer Yi-Chen Chiang pushed this theory to its limits by creating a score for a century old film.

Composer Yi-Chen Chiang’s Timeless Score for Cœur Fidèle

May 22, 2023

Film Composer Yi-Chen Chiang Earns Awards/Accolades for Music Scores Resonating with Audiences


“A pleasant and talented person to work with. Yi-Chen is detailed and professional when addressing my creative needs, and she expresses her craft along with my vision.” — Zheng Guan, director and writer for The Limbo’s Voyage,

Film Composer Yi-Chen Chiang Earns Awards/Accolades for Music Scores Resonating with Audiences

May 20, 2023

The last line before the launch of Warner Music video products, Taiwanese woman Yi-Chen Chiang shines in the U.S. music industry


在全球競爭激烈的影視音樂產業裡,除了男女比例差距極大,外國從業者更是少之又少,而在這個圈子裡,卻有位殺出重圍、突破重重關卡的台灣女孩,不但畢業於全美排名前二名的音樂學院——印第安納大學雅各布斯音樂學院音樂碩士,目前更投身於連美國人都極難錄取的媒體製作公司——克萊格曼數位公司(Craigman Digital),它是「世界三大唱片公司」華納音樂集團(Warner Music Group)唯一外包的媒體製作公司。而她,正是來自台灣的江宜臻。

The last line before the launch of Warner Music video products, Taiwanese woman Yi-Chen Chiang shines in the U.S. music industry

May 19, 2023

Taiwanese Composer Yi-Chen Chiang wins First Prize in the Vienna International Music Competition

China Times

2023 年維也納國際音樂比賽於 5 月 16 日公布獲獎名單,由台灣作曲家江宜臻以法國電影配樂《忠實的心》獲得作曲組首獎。江宜臻表示,很意外配樂作品會在古典音樂性質的比賽獲得青睞,讓她更有信心繼續在國際上,追求創作的夢想與職業的巔峰。

Taiwanese Composer Yi-Chen Chiang wins First Prize in the Vienna International Music Competition

Apr 1, 2023

Yi-Chen Chiang Lends a Talented Ear to Famous Works in Hollywood

Articles Reader

One of the projects Yi-Chen refers to is her work on the recent twentieth anniversary rerelease of Linkin Park’s most successful album Meteora. Recognized as the eighth best-selling album of the twentieth century, Meteora was a global success for Linkin Park. The rerelease of the album includes the highly anticipated previously unreleased “Lost.”

Yi-Chen Chiang Lends a Talented Ear to Famous Works in Hollywood

Feb 28, 2023

COLUMN: Student Film ‘Dancing Man’ Transcends Homage to Become Its Own Film

Indiana Daily Student

Yi-Chen Chiang’s score is also worthy of praise as it perfectly emulates the spirit and sound of old films while still being unique to itself and the story it accompanies.

COLUMN: Student Film ‘Dancing Man’ Transcends Homage to Become Its Own Film

Feb 26, 2023

Dance On Screen: Four Short Films

Indiana University Cinema

The world premiere of Dancing Man, plus three original short films, in a meld of dance, music, and storytelling from the IU community.

Dance On Screen: Four Short Films

Feb 22, 2023

Student Film ‘Dancing Man’ to Premier Feb. 26 at IU Cinema

Indiana Daily Student

“The music is a character in the movie and adds so much to get the rich, bigger sound that older dance movies had,” Mack said. “We wanted to get actual musicians so that it didn’t sound entirely computerized.”

Student Film ‘Dancing Man’ to Premier Feb. 26 at IU Cinema

Feb 16, 2023

Q&A with Yi-Chen Chiang, Composer for Student Film ‘Dancing Man’

Indiana Daily Student

IU alumna Yi-Chen Chiang works on the original score for upcoming short film "Dancing Man." The film will premier Feb. 26, 2023, at IU Cinema.

Q&A with Yi-Chen Chiang, Composer for Student Film ‘Dancing Man’

Nov 5, 2022

World Premiere, Live Music Event - Cœur Fidèle

Indiana University Cinema

Cœur Fidèle Music Scoring Premiere for Jon Vickers Film Scoring Award.
The world premiere of a new, original score composed for silent French film Cœur Fidèle by Yi-Chen Chiang on Saturday, November 05, 2022 7:00 pm, Indiana University Cinema.

World Premiere, Live Music Event - Cœur Fidèle

Nov 2, 2022

An Interview with Composer Yi-Chen Chiang

Establishing Shot

Last year, Yi-Chen Chiang was selected as the recipient of the Jon Vickers Scoring Award and will be showcasing her original score for the Jean Epstein film Cœur Fidèle at the IU Cinema on November 5th.

An Interview with Composer Yi-Chen Chiang

Oct 28, 2022

Outstanding FJU Alumnus Yi-Chen Chiang, first Taiwanese to win the Jon Vickers Film Scoring Award

Fu Jen Catholic University


Outstanding FJU Alumnus Yi-Chen Chiang, first Taiwanese to win the Jon Vickers Film Scoring Award

Oct 25, 2022

Congratulations! Outstanding FJU Alumnus Yi-Chen Chiang, first Taiwanese to win the Jon Vickers Film Scoring Award

Music Department, Fu Jen Catholic University

音樂系謝宗翰教授表示:「宜臻在配樂與聲音的細膩度與內涵扎實度表現優異,大一、大二時就開始承接指派的業界專案 ,在電影、遊戲、動畫等,都備受肯定!很期待回台灣與學弟妹們分享成功經驗。」

Congratulations! Outstanding FJU Alumnus Yi-Chen Chiang, first Taiwanese to win the Jon Vickers Film Scoring Award

Oct 23, 2022

Chasing her music dreams, Yi-Chen Chiang wins film scoring award

World Journal

26 歲的台灣留學生江宜臻日前榮獲美國喬恩.維克斯電影配樂獎(Jon Vickers Film Scoring Award),作為第一位獲獎的台灣人同時也是第一位女性,江宜臻不僅用「非主流」的創作手法獲得了「主流」音樂界的認可,也證明從「大眾傳媒科系」轉學到不被看好的「小眾音樂系」,只要堅持心中所愛,一樣能闖出自己的天地。

Chasing her music dreams, Yi-Chen Chiang wins film scoring award
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