Ashley Jude Collie
May 22, 2023
BBN Times
We spoke to affable Yi-Chen Chiang more about how her job at Craigman Digital works, how music editing is a complex but creative process, and how she and the Craigman editing team, like behind-the-scenes superheroes, often help save the day for clients worldwide.
“Yi-Chen made it clear early on that she was eager to master the intricate work of remastering. For example, a famous American singer asked that we fully remaster a hit single of hers from the mid-90's, and it was an excellent opportunity to allow Yi-Chen to see our editing process. Within minutes of my explaining the details of our process to her, she was already deep into doing the hands-on artistic work herself, with me as a guide. Flawlessly she cleaned and restored every single frame of the project. While the completed video was rendering, she immediately jumped into the audio remastering. By day’s end, the entire project was completed and processing in our database thanks to Yi-Chen's wit and multi-media artistic fluency.—Ian Clarke is a Composer and Audio/Video QC Specialist and AI Expert at Craigman Digital, Inc.”
Multiple award-winning music composer and music editor Yi-Chen Chiang has a fascinating double-life that seems at odds. By day, as a Music Editor and Audio/Video QC Specialist, she is a key part of a select, highly-trained, 10-person team of music editors at Craigman Digital, a media service provider to the music and entertainment industries. Craigman Digital is a third-party subcontractor for Warner Music Group but it works so closely with WMG that Craigman is located in the giant music company’s building in downtown LA. WMG, itself, is a global music entertainment company.